About Us


Shalom! Shalom! Welcome to Kingdom Networks, the home of Hebrew Congregation Atlanta. My name is Minister M. Carnes. I am commonly known as "The Minister." I have been practicing Hebraism since 1993. My educational background:

Bachelor of Science Electronics Technology,
Master of Arts Theological Studies
Doctor of Ministry

Our Vision

Our primary mission is discovering Torah and applying it to everyday living.Into The Harvest In Spirit and In Truth. Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but few workers. Ask The Most-High of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of Kingdom Networks and Kingdominfo.net is an educational ministry dedicated to helping individuals understand the Set-Apart Scripture by encouraging them to live a sin-free life and further the general public's education.Kingdom Networks and Kingdominfo.net will frequently use other religious organizations' materials to state a specific point in teaching the Set-Apart Scriptures. This usage does not mean that we endorse the teachings of any particular organization.

Kingdom Networks and Kingdominfo.net believe that the principal expression of our belief, trust, confidence is found in the Scriptures:

Deuteronomy 6:4-5 "Hear, O Yashara'al/Yisrael: YAH our Almighty is one: And thou shalt love YAH thy Almighty with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."

Deuteronomy 10:12-13 "And now, Yisrael, what does YHWH your Almighty requires of you, but to fear [to stand in awe of] YHWH your Almighty, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve YHWH your Almighty with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of YHWH, which I am commanding you today for your good"
Our Beliefs

We believe that only one true – the invisible one – the Almighty (Elohim) of Abraham, Isaac, and Yacob.

We believe that the Torah (Law) is the self-revelation of YAH, the one true Almighty, and to seek Him, we must follow His instructions for finding Him.

We believe that due to sin and the fall of man, the joy and knowledge of spiritual communion with YAH have been greatly diminished. Sin has led to the continued corruption, distortion, and desecration of the image of YAH in man. Because of this, man has propagated false and distorted images that have led to the world's religious systems and idolatry.

We believe that Yashara'al/Yisrael is YAH'S chosen people. At Sinai, the children of Yashara'al/Yisrael (consisting of Yacob's offspring and the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt with them) agreed to live by the revealed Torah (Law) of YAH. We believe that True Believers are defined as those who keep this covenant – whether natural-born or grafted into the commonwealth.

We believe that the True Children of Yashara'al/Yisrael are chosen to demonstrate YAH in the world through their obedience to the Torah (Law). By doing so, the Children of Yashara'al/Yisrael become a light of revelation to the nations that all humanity may come to know the One True Almighty.

We believe that YAH has bound himself to the True Children of Yashara'al/Yisrael through His covenant promises.

We believe that one cannot benefit from these covenant promises without being "grafted in" to the root of Yashara'al/Yisrael.

We believe that anyone can become a household member and a citizen of the Commonwealth of Yashara'al/Yisrael through belief in Yahushua the Messiah.

We believe that Yahushua, the Messiah came to restore the True Children of Yashara'al/Yisrael to YAH, the Torah (Law), and the Land of Promise.

We believe that Yahushua is the only begotten [one of a kind] Son of the one true Almighty. Yahushua was anointed with the fullness of the Set-Apart Spirit as the promised Messiah of Yashara'al/Yisrael, died [as a guilt offering according to Isaiah 53] in place of all who break the covenant, was raised from the dead after three days and three nights.

We believe that Yahushua paid the debt to be possible for us to enter again into the covenant. We believe that Yahushua came not destroy the Torah (Law).

We believe that all believers in Yahushua are called to become the body of Messiah through keeping the Torah (Law) and worshipping The Most High In Spirit and Truth.

We believe that the Torah (Law) will be written on the hearts of all believers restoring the image of YAH in man and the world.

We believe that love for our Creator is the sole reason we keep the Torah. Those who keep Torah (Law) out of genuine love for YAH without thought of reward or punishment are living out the true spirit of the Torah.

We believe that the Torah (Law) is a Favor gift to every believer. We believe that those who love Yahushua will manifest his nature and keep YAH'S commandments joyfully and will not find them to be grievous. Thus, obedience to the Torah (law) is the fruit of the work of the Set-Apart Spirit.

We believe that YAH has called us to restore the teaching and practice of Torah (Law) among believers in Yahushua Messiah and that they may again become a light of hope for the Yisrael and the nations.

We use the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Apocrypha (Intertestament). The TaNaK [commonly called the Old Testament] is Scripture.

We believe in using the Scriptures' attested languages, the Hebrew language, in better understanding the Scriptures.

We are a messianic congregation believing in the Father and a messiah in the eyewitness accounts of what is commonly called the New Testament.

We believe in keeping the Sabbath/Shabbat [commonly called Saturday].

We believe in keeping the feast days found in Leviticus 23.

We are against sexual immorality, including fornication, adultery, homosexuality, sexual indecency as outlined in the Old and New Testament.

We believe in following the dietary laws outlined in Leviticus 11, meaning that we do not eat pork, catfish, crab, lobster, shrimp, or any other forbidden foods found in the Scriptures.

We believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman. We believe in obtaining a marriage license through the government if required by the state in which you live.

We do not condone polygamy, nor do we accept and allow behavior considered morally wrong and offensive within the assembly.

We do not condone the use of profanity within the assembly.

We believe that women can teach within the assembly as authorized by the assembly elders.

We believe that there is no commandment in Scripture requiring that men and women wear a head covering except the Levitical Priesthood.

We believe that the name of The Highest is YHWH, but due to uncertainty and inconsistency in the pronunciation of His name, we use YaH from Psalm 68:4.

We believe that sin is transgression or breaking of the law.

We do not take tithes as we believe that only the priest [Levitical] are authorized and cannot be identified today.